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White Lillies

Restorative Justice

Honoring respect and dignity for all, restorative practices focuses on repairing harm and strengthening relationships.

Resiliency in Practice

Restorative Justice centers the experiences of those who are harmed;

guides people who commit harms to take a full and active form of accountability;

and supports people who have been harmed in identifying solutions that promote healing, dialogue and mutual agreement.


What is Restorative Justice?

Resolve Center for Dispute Resolution and Restorative Justice

"Restorative Practices in Schools Have the

Power to Transform Communities"

McMinnville educator Liz Knapp

Case Study:
Restorative Justice


Preventing Future Harm

A Community Resolution Center received a call from a parent about an incident between their son and another boy, requesting a restorative process with the other boy’s parents. While a serious permanent injury occurred, the parents of the boy harmed recognized that it was not intentional, and chose not to pursue a resolution through the courts. The incident occurred in a public setting in a rural community and was recorded and shown on social media. The public viewing and discussion of the harm created additional hurt for both families. Meeting with each set of parents separately, we prepared for a joint circle. We held two joint circles, first hearing about the incident and its impact from each perspective, while witnessing the power of them hearing each other. The circles allowed each set of parents to feel understood and to understand the impact on - and good intentions of - the other parents. At the end of the circle process, the mothers formed a plan to work together toward a shared goal of educating young athletes to prevent future harm.


Restorative Justice Coalition of Oregon

Restorative Justice Coalition of Oregon is a network of practitioners across the state that offers education and advocacy for the movement.

NW Justice Forum

The Northwest Justice Forum provides gatherings for those who want to learn or deepen their knowledge and practices in RJ in this region of the country.

National Association of Community and Restorative Justice

National Association of Community and Restorative Justice provides a professional association for educators, practitioners and others.

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